Products & Services

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Tubular Level Indicator

“Telelin” make Tubular Level Indicators are most simple and reliable device for level visualization. These Level Indicators find wide application for level observation in process tanks and batching tanks. If desired, Scale in volumetric unit is possible. 

Temperature Rating : 100oC 

Pressure Rating : upto 12 Kg/cm2 

Model No. : TL – 122 / TL -123
(With Drain & Isolating valve) 

Application Liquids : Water, Phenol, other non corrosive liquids.

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Float And Board Level Indicators

“Telelin” make float & board level indicators are based on simple mechanical principle and are widely used in large tanks and in overhead storage tanks where the tanks are not pressurized. It usually consists of float, pully housing pointer cradle with nylon roller & 150mm wide aluminium epoxy powder coated ,Fluorescent plastic taped scale .Lining at every 1cms and numbering at every 10 cms . 

CC Distance : upto 15 meters 

Model No : TL – 121 

Application : Oil Tanks, Water & Acids

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Glass Tube Level Indicator (Moving Bolt Type)

•  Small size level indicator for normally small oil tanks level indication. 
•  Connections posible 1/4" BSP (M) to 1" BSP (M). Bottom side only. 
•  Top side cap with vent hole. •  Pipe length 1" to 24". 
•  Material of construction M.S., Brass, 304 S.S., 316 S.S., or other as required. 
•  Glass tube : Borosilicate, having 12mm or 16mm or 19mm O.D. as per connection size 
•  Glass tube protective casing : normally M.S., Ch. plated having slitted front & back for viewing 
•  Temperature rating upto 150ºC. Pressure upto 15 PSIG

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Acrylic Body Level Indicator (Moving Bolt Type)

•  Small size level indicator for normally small oil tanks level indication. 
•  Connections possible M10, M12, Male threadings at both side 
•  Standard connection C.C. : 3" / 4" / 5" 
•  Material of construction main chamber acrylic plastic, Bolt M.S. Powder coted 
•  Acrylic chamber protective casing : M.S., powder coated, •  Temperature rating upto 50ºC. Pressure rating upto 7 PSIG

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Level Switches


Telelin Level Switch works on Magnetic Principle. The float carries a permanent magnet which is opposed by a similar magnet inside the switch. As the float moves up, The inside magnet which carries contacts repels and moves away from the float magnet. This ensures a snap action and change over of contacts. This Action is completely gland less and hence no leakage possibility into the switch housing. These switch can be successfully used in water tanks, steriliser, tea boilers, high pressure boilers, chemical tanks, water heaters, storage tanks and innumerable other applications. 


Type : Magnetic internal float operated. 

Switch Housing : Weather Proof, C.S / S.S.304 / S.S.316. 

Contact Rating : 2A at 240V AC. 0.5A at 220V D.C. 

Conduit Connection Size & Type : 3/4” I.T. or equivalent adapters for other sizes or suitable cable glands. 

Max. Operating Pressure : KG/CM2. 

Specif1ic Gravity : 0.8 and above special floats for low S.G. 

Float, Stem & Wetted parts material : S.S.304/S.S.316. 

Type of Contacts : Air break 1 No + 1NC. 

Switch Differential : Fixed 12 mm. (Approx). 

Max Temperature : 250C. 

Connection Size & Type : 2” or 21/2” NPT.

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Magnetic Bi Colour Level Indicators

“Telelin” make Bi-Colour type level indicators are designed, using simple magnetic principle. Level is indicated by changed colour of Bi-colour magnetic rollers. They are mounted on aluminium channel, protected by sturdy aluminium box which is moved by magnetic float in the main line pipe chamber. The roller turns upside down changing colour from yellow to red. Thus Showing level . It is used at places where there is flammable toxic or high temperature and high pressure fluid where glass type level indicators cannot be used . 

CC Distance : 3000mm max. 

Pressure Rating : 25 kg/cm 2 max. 

Temperature Rating : 350 o C 

Connection Orientation : Side Mouted 

Model No. : TL-124 

Application : liquified gases, CL 2 , NH 3 , Propylene, PCL 3 , Oleum, H 2 S0 4 , HCL, Pesticides, Molten Sulphur, Lead, Solvent Acids, Chlorosulphonic Acid.

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Magnetic Level Indicator

“Telelin” Magnetic Level indicators are designed using simple magnetic principle. Level is indicated by a weighted magnetic capsule which is properly capsuled in glass tube which is moved by magnetic float in the main pipe chamber. It is used at places where there is flammable toxic or high temperature and high pressure Liquids. 

CC Distance : 300mm to 6000mm 

Pressure Rating : 25 Kg/cm 2 

Temperature Rating : 150 oC 

Connection Orientation : Side Mouted, Top Mounted 

Model No : TL-125 

Application : Liquid Propane, Liquid Butane, Acids, Steam, Oil

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Reflex Level Indicator

“Telelin” Reflex Level Indicators are used for visual level indication of tanks . Normally preferred over tubular LI, where tank pressure & or temperature are more . On Reflex glass, colourless liquids appears black thereby making Level observation easy. 

CC Distance : 3000mm / 3 meters Max. 

Pressure Rating : upto 40 Kg/cm 2 

Temperature Rating : upto 350 o C 

Model No. : TL - 130 

Application : Pressurized Tanks , High Temperature liquid tanks , Corrosive liquids, Oil, Caustic , Acids.

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Top Mounted Magnetic Level Indicators Bi Colour Roller Type

“Telelin” make Top Mounted Magnetic Level Indicator are used for visual indication in underground tanks or tanks below ground level. It is used for liquids with high pressure, high temperature, highly corrosive liquids. 

Model No. : TL-125 

CC Distance : upto 3000mm i.e. 3 meters 

Temperature Rating : 150 o C 

Pressure Rating : upto 20 Kg/cm 2 

Application Liquids : Chemical Solution, Acids, Pressurized Tanks

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Transparent Level Indicator

“Telelin” Transparent Level Indicators are used for visual level indication at tanks & places where there is high pressure & high temperature. It is used for liquids which are dark like oils and so it is widely used in petrochemical, fertilizer, chemical plants and it allows visual indication from two sides. 

CC Distance : 1900mm for Straight Through / 1800mm for Hook Up in single length Extended Ranges through a coupler 

Pressure Rating : upto 40 Kg/cm2 

Temperature Rating : upto 350oC 

Application : Corrosive liquids, Oil, Caustic Acids, HF Acids

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Air Purge Level Indicators

“Telelin” Air Purge Level Indicators Consisting of :

•  Tee Shape drop pipe, Material 304 S.S 

•  3 LPM, Air Plastic Body Rotameter with Flow Control Valve for purging 

•  Single limb well type manometer, Wall mounting type generally as per our model No. SW-312 Hg. With 304 S.S Material wetted parts. 

•  Connection Hose pipes to complete connection of all 3 above. 


1) Tank Height 
2) Liquid Details 
3) Purging Gas Detail 
4) Quantity 
5) Special Details if any

Absolute Vaccum Manometer * Absolute Vacuum Manometer * Acrylic Body Inclined Tube Manometer * Acrylic Body Level Indicator (Moving Bolt Type) * Acrylic Body Single Limb Manometer * Acrylic Body U Tube Manometer * Acrylic Plastic Body Rotameters * Air Purge Level Indicators * Air Purge Rotameters * Air Velocity Measuring Kit * Barometer * By Pass Rota Meters * By Pass Type Rotameter * By Pass Type Rotameter Complete Assemblies * Comparison Test Pump * Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Tester * Differential Pressure Gauge * Digital Flow Calibrator * Digital Magnetic Rotameter * Digital Pressure Calibrator * Digital Pressure Manometer * Double Window Sight Flow Indicators * Electromagnetic Flowmeters * Electronic Level Gauges * Flange Tape Type Rota Meters * Flanges * Float And Board Level Indicators * Flow Measuring Instruments * Full View Sight Flow Indicators * Gang Manometer * Gang Rotameter * Glass Tube Level Indicator (Moving Bolt Type) * Glass Tube Rota Meters * Glass Tube Type Purge Rotameter * Glass Tube Type Rotameter * Hoses * Inclined Tube Manometer * Inlined Tube Meno Meters * Instrument Line Fittings And Pipe Fittings * Level Switches * Low Flow Acrylic Plastic Body Rotameters * Low Flow Glass Tube Rotameters * Magnetic Bi Colour Level Indicators * Magnetic Level Indicator * Mano Meters * Master Pressure Gauges * Mc Leod Gauge * Mercury Barometer * Metal Tube Rota Meters * Metal Tube Rotameter * Metal Tube Rotameter With Switching Alarm * Oil Flow Meter * Orifice Assemblies * Orifice Plates * Pressure Measuring Instruments * Principles Of Rotameter And Flowmeter * Products * Reflex Level Indicator * Rota Meters * Single Limb Absolute Pressure Mercury Filled Manometer * Single Limb Mano Meters * Single Limb Well Type Manometer * Thermometer And Hygrometer * Top Mounted Magnetic Level Indicators Bi Colour Roller Type * Transparent Level Indicator * Tubular Level Indicator * U Tube Absolute Pressure Mercury Filled Manometer * U Tube Manometer * U Tube Meno Meters * Ultrasonic Flowmeters * Vacuum Gauge Dead Weight Tester * Valves And Manifold Valves * Venturi Tubes * Conversion Tables And Factors * Other Instruments * Vacuum Gauges * Temperature Gauges * Instrument Tube Fittings And Flanges * Digital Flow Pressure Meters And Calibrators * Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Testers And Comparators * Orifies Plates And Assemblies * Sight Flow Indicators * Level Indicators And Switches * Pitot Tubes * Pressure Indicators